I wish to participate in the Italian Exchange program primarily to learn about and experience a different culture. I look at the trip as an educational opportunity. I would enjoy seeing sites that I’ve only read about, but more importantly, I would come back with a greater understanding of European lifestyles. I also think that it would be interesting to show an Italian the way Americans really live. 
In addition, I want to be a part of the Italian Exchange program, because I love to try new things, such as new foods. For example, every time I go to a Chinese buffet, I like to pick out something odd to try. The last time I ate Chinese, I tried mussels. I wouldn’t recommend them, but at least by trying them, I experienced something new. I’m sure that the exchange would provide many new experiences. 
As a student, I believe that the Italian Exchange trip would teach me more about European culture than I could ever learn out of a textbook. It is one thing to simply read about the way Italians live. However, traveling to Europe and experiencing Europe firsthand would allow me to really appreciate and understand European customs. As an individual, the exchange would teach me how to adapt to new situations. Since I will be going to college in two years, the trip will show me what it will take to live without my parents. 
As a global citizen, I think that the exchange will affirm for me the importance of tolerating differences. I know many people who feel that foreigners are “weird”, but I do not agree. I believe that tolerating differences is the only way society can function. Being narrow-minded and stereotypical is not going to teach anyone anything. I think people can learn from each other’s differences, and I want to learn new things from my Italian family.
My hobbies include playing with my poodle, Rosie, playing tennis, writing poetry and short stories, and participating in school clubs. The things that first come to mind when I am asked, “What do you like?” are pretty odd for a sixteen-year-old American girl to say. I enjoy watching German soccer every Saturday on TV. (Bayern Munich is my favorite team!) In addition, I am interested in politics and followed this past election very closely. As I stated earlier, I like trying new things and also enjoy traveling. 
My biggest pet peeve is when people use words such as “ain’t” and incorrectly say things. For example, “She don’t know the answer,” is a phrase I hear frequently. Of course, I do not expect my Italian to speak perfect English, but when Americans become lazy and do not think before they speak, it irritates me. 
As far as my home life is concerned, I live in Augusta with my mom, my step-dad, and have a younger brother who is eleven. We have two cats and a dog. In my free time, I usually watch TV, finish homework, surf the Web, or read. I would like my Italian family to know that I look forward to meeting them.