I wish to be a part of the Italian Exchange 2006 Program because of the intellectual stimulation that would arise from being in a culturally significant location as well as the beauty of seeing countries where the history is just beneath the surface.
This trip would be beneficial to me, as a student, due to the historical significance of so many of the places. Not only that, but knowledge of the economy and politics, known firsthand, would certainly be intriguing. I would also be attending a school, so that would of course be of importance. By seeing how a different school, one in a different country no less, I would understand our system better by comparison.
Having better knowledge of Italy and Germany would benefit me as a global citizen because I would not just be subjected to the gossip of how a country is, I would be able to experience it myself. Knowing the culture of different countries would make me more accepting of how citizens of another country speak, act, and just how they are.
As an individual, I am definitely interested in history, architecture, landscapes, people, and how things work. The Italian Exchange Program would broaden my knowledge of all of these. There is so much history in Germany and Italy that I could immerse myself in it and be content. All of the wonderful Gothic architecture, the beautiful artwork that has been done, the great works of literature, these all appeal to me, but the thing that most interests me is the people and how they live every day. I enjoy talking to people, I believe that being around other people who are not biased would be refreshing. I would also like to enjoy the food and maybe get a few recipes.
My life at home is nice for the most part. I listen to music, read, write, cook, do my homework, play with the dogs and cats, and many other things. I have five dogs (Bear, Princess, Max, Wolf, and Jenny), six cats (Calisto, Mogget, Patch, Smokey, Quarter Till, and Calisto Jr.), and two ducks (Webster and Drake Jr.). I live with my dad, next to his best friend. I have one sister, Laura, who is away at college. I go to my Nana's house for holidays and extended school breaks to visit with cousins, aunts, and my uncle. I enjoy talking to people, any people, especially people I do not know well or at all. I have voracious reading habits that some call unhealthy, but my philosophy is that one cannot read too much. I delight in cooking; it relaxes me. My dad carves things out of wood, bone, and other materials as a hobby. He does not work, but I do. We do not own a vehicle so I do not do many things outside of school and events that I can ride the school bus for. I wish to travel on the Kaitlyn Dante Memoriam Travel Scholarship because I do not have sufficient funds to go without it. Kaitlyn was a wonderful person, one who could never be replaced, and if I received this scholarship I would not be a disappointment to her or anyone on the trip.