I would like to participate in the Italian exchange program for many reasons; I want to increase my knowledge of European culture, expand my base of experience in foreign language, and experience some of the unique opportunities that Italy has to offer. From what I have learned from former participants, the program is one of the finest experiences that can be had in high school, and is both educational and enjoyable. I also think that this year would be a good year for me to go because I am old enough to fully appreciate it, but young enough that I will not be harmed by the absence from school. I also like the group of students that is applying along with me, and feel that many of them would be ideal travel companions.

            Another major reason that I would like to be a part of the program is to simply broaden my horizons. I think that in going to Italy, learning about their way of life, and seeing the way things work in other parts of the world will allow me to make better informed decisions throughout my life. I am also fascinated by global finance, and think that understanding of complex international relationships can only be fully achieved through direct exposure.

            In the case that I would be accepted, I will include a brief description of myself as I will be seen by my Italian hosts. I live in Romney, West Virginia, with my parents, Gene and Nancy, my grandmother, Mary Susan, and my younger brother Ben. My older brother, Ross, is eighteen years old and is currently attending West Virginia University. He went to Italy with the high school group, and recommended it highly. I enjoy school for the most part, especially Chemistry, English, and foreign languages. In the fall I run cross-country after school, and run the hurdles for track in the spring. In addition to running, I like reading novels and poetry. I especially enjoy spending time with friends, and I like using computers. Another point that I would like to note to my would-be host family is that I love real Italian food.

            If I am allowed to go, I hope to return from abroad a better person with more developed vies of the world. I hope to learn all that I can, serving to better my career as a student. However, I think that the main benefit would be to myself as an individual; it is impossible to place a value on a good experience. Fond memories, a positive outlook on life, and appreciation of the world I live in are only a few of the many good things that I feel this trip would provide me with. Strong relationships with peers are also fostered by activities such as those involved in the exchange program. In addition to my roles as a student and an individual, I think that my role as a global citizen would be improved as well. My perspective of the world is, despite study, limited. I think that I would be able to see world issues more reasonably and work towards mutual solutions to global problems if my perspective was widened.